My Account
Web Mail
Control Panel
1. General Question
1. What is SSL?
2. What is the difference between Unix accounts and Windows accounts?
3. How do I change my billing information?
4. I forgot my Miva password, what should I do?
5. Can I accept credit card on my site? Will it be secure?
6. I lost my password, what should I do?
7. Can I purchase additional disk space?
8. How do I open my SiteStudio?
9. What happens if I exceed my data transfer limit?
10. How do I change my contact information?
11. What happens if I purchase additional products in the middle of the month?
2. SiteStudio
1. I have switched to dedicated IP and my images are now gone.
2. Can I build a site with Site Studio and then edit it with FrontPage?
3. I edited my site with FrontPage. Why am I having problems with it now?
3. Troubleshooting
1. When I'm trying to connect to my account using FTP, the system doesn't respond for some time and then logs out with an error.
2. I get "Failed to add new resource over the hard credit" message when I'm trying to create a new resource.
3. ASP is not working, however the button next to this resource on the Domain Web Service page is set to ON.
4. I am getting errors with FrontPage.
5. The online file browser shows the zips as compressed files and offers to decompress them, but fails to do it.
6. My webalizer doesn't work. What's the problem?
4. FTP
1. How come my virtual FTP users can browse my root directory?
2. Anonymous FTP users don't see the content of my directory.
5. Domain Name
1. What is involved in registering a domain name in .com, .net or .org?
2. What is a domain name?
3. What does "register a domain name" mean?
4. How can I get a domain name in .com, .net or .org?
5. Will my name and contact information be publicly available?
6. How long does a domain name registration last? Can it be renewed?
7. How long does it take to register or transfer a domain name?
8. How much does a domain name registration name cost?
9. Someone else has registered by company's name as a .com domain name. What is the process for resolving my complaint?
10. I've seen domain names ending with two-letter combinations, like .uk. What are the rules for registering in these domains?
11. What is a stopgap domain?
12. What are the rules for registration of .net and .org names?
13. Are .com, .net, and .org domain names available for registration on a global basis?
6. Mail
1. I have difficulties in retrieving mail using Netscape. I can't log into my mail account because the account user name now takes the form of the full e-mail address.
2. How do I pop in to pick up my virtual domain email?
3. I can't send mail with Outlook Express. I get a rcpthosts error.
4. How do I get FormMail working?
7. Web
1. How do I disable directory listings?
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